Spring and Fall

Period Shame, Children Education, User Research, User Test, Model making, Laser cutting

Product design
March - May 2021

Laser cutting, Prototyping,
Auto desk, Photoshop, Procreate


Embarking on a mission to redefine how boys and girls aged 9-13 perceive menstruation, this design project aims to instill a correct and natural understanding of this essential aspect of life. Recognizing the importance of introducing this topic early on, I developed a comprehensive learning kit that engages children through a hands-on, interactive approach.

This unique learning experience not only imparts knowledge but also facilitates a deeper connection with the subject matter. The culmination of the project results in a thoughtfully designed installation that serves a dual purpose. In classrooms, it functions as a practical resource, offering access to napkins for students. Simultaneously, in ladies' rooms, the installation provides a discreet and accessible source of sanitary products for girls who may find themselves unexpectedly facing their first period.

Design Background

1. Period Shame is Everywhere

Menstruation has been shunned for centuries by societies of all religions around the world. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism regard women during their cycles as unclean.

  • Only 30% women don’t always hide their pads.

  • Only 7% men suggested they never rediculed about period.

  • Only 3% women were never told to talk about period quietly.

  • 65% women wants to talk about their period regularly with families and friends, but only 10% managed to do so regularly.

2. Period shame is caused by:

  • Hard to understand reproductive system & sex.
  • Low social status of women
  • Children are poorly prepared for menarche

Period Shame has many Negative Influences:

  • Exposed to regular threat of infection
  • Lack of Self confidence, body shame.
  • Suffer to manage mood swings
  • Extra economical burden from period products
  • Inconvenience in daily work and study

3. Target user research & Design focus

The project aims to eliminate the stigma of menstruation from the very beginning. Considering girls generally start their period between 11 to 14 (fifth to ninth grade), children between this age were selected as target user. Based on research and student interviews, I selected several focus for this project.

  • Encourage schools to educate both boys and girls about menstration through methods more engaging than lectures.

  • Provide safe envitonment for girls  to talk about their period, provide material support such as period products at school.

  • Prepare early and extra care for girls new to period.

Design Research

1. Precedents

1.1 Starting conversations

Kiran Gandhi bleeded freely in the marathon.
Through her radical bleeding marathon, Kiran Gandhi en­couraged the world to put the topic of period and its hidden issues into daily conversations, and to start tackling them. 

1.2 Education for children and men

These education programs aimed to help deliver knowledge of menstruation to young kids and males, who have often been excluded from classes providing such knowledge. Cards with topics and drawings are effective in starting con­versations with children.

1.3 Provide Material Support

These approaches were the starting point of this project. They break the ice and support the lives of girls and women. Through observation and inter­views, I learned that such material support would be more effective for younger girls who are new to menstruation and encounter untimely arrivals of the period more.

1.4 Being proud and Being Beautiful

Many designs related to period shame would boldly display their metaphors for blood and period. Some artworks also successfully associated the red color and period blood with beauty, urging women to be confident and proud about their bodily functions.

2. Visual Languages

Inspired by many exhibition works and poster designs, I extracted red, re­lated to blood, and flowers, related to birth and life, as metaphor elements to use in my design.

Concept Development

Model Making

4. Target User: Children aged 9-13, all genders.

The mutual help boxes program in universities is more of a promotional tool for adults who always bring along period pads. However, this service woule be more helpful and educational to kids who are more likely to encounter unexpected periods during early menstrual experiences.

5. Scenario: During & After Class, In classrooms and Restrooms.

Children can follow the templets or DIY the shape and graph­ics to create unique casings with the assistance of teachers and folding guidance in class.

One in each classroom, containing educational cards & tissue and one in each ladies room, containing educational cards & period products for students’ use.

6. Education Cards

Cards for children to write and draw about what they have learned. As sug­gested by an elementary school teacher, Mrs. Ding, teaching topics should gradually change from everyday tips to underlying reasons as kids grow up.

7. Reminder Label

The reminder label is designed to  encourage children to return pads and use this service.

Each label has two parts connected with velcro. The front side is placed next to a folded flower with a pad inside.

After students use a pad from the service, they could keep the label (front side with number) as a reminder for them to return a pad to the restroom.
When students want to donate a pad of 24 cm, they could grab a new two sided label from a box nearby the mutual help station, put the front side of the label that says 24 (front) into the folded container with the pad, and combine the remaining side (back) with the one previously had (front) together into a pair of full label.
Then they may collect several pairs of label and later exchange for a gift from the teacher. Eventually, the teacher returns the full labels back to the restroom.
(More detailed description in the User Journey section below)

User Test

Final Design



